Do you have a new baby?


Show your support for Good Beginnings and new families


Who We Are & What We Do

Our Mission

To offer in-home support, accessible education and
meaningful connections for parents and caregivers prenatally through the postpartum

Our Vision

When parenthood is valued and supported, we believe families can create the
foundation for resilient communities.

Our Values

Focus on the Parent



Respectful and Nonjudgemental Support

Financial and Organizational Stability

Click here to learn more

Our Story

Good Beginnings was founded in 1991 by three mothers in Northfield, VT who recognized a growing need for support for new parents due to the combined effects of shorter postpartum hospital stays and a diminished role for extended family and other traditional sources of support.

Click here to read more

Are you

expecting a baby?

Connect with us before baby arrives and let us help you with your postnatal support system. Learn about our Journey into Parenthood program that will help you feel ready for your postpartum transition. Request a prenatal visit from one of our amazing Postpartum Angels.

Do you have a new baby?

Check out what’s going on at The Nest, a cozy, baby-friendly drop-in space designed for you and your little one. You can get fitted for or purchase a baby carrier on our sliding scale. We’ve also got lots of information about activities and resources especially for families with babies and toddlers.


Join our team of Postpartum Angels


A little extra help from a caring, trained community member can go a long way during the first few months after having a new baby. Are you the one with an open heart and helping hand? Would you like to help families in your community build lasting bonds with their infants and connections to their community? Volunteer home visitors are needed now.

Apply today!

Looking for ways to help make the postpartum transition smoother for families in your community?

Keep up to date. Join our mailing list.

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