Central Vermont Perinatal Mental Health Coalition

Who We Are

The Central Vermont Perinatal Health Coalition is a community resource of organizations and community partners that work together to improve the health and well being of all families in Washington County and surrounding towns.

We are medical practitioners, mental health professionals, birth professionals, family support workers and community members with personal experience with perinatal mental health issues. We participate in the coalition because of our professional experiences and/or our personal experiences (as those affected either directly or indirectly by perinatal mood or anxiety disorders, to be referred to as PMADs).

Our vision is for greater health, well-being and support for families in the perinatal period.

The partnering agencies include:

Central Vermont Medical Center – Ob/Gyn/Midwifery

Washington County Mental Health – Doula Project and Community Response Team

Good Beginnings of Central Vermont

Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice – Maternal and Family home visiting nurses

Vermont Department of Health

Capstone Early Head Start

As well as multiple community members including: private practice perinatal mental health clinicians, yoga teachers, doulas, early childhood specialists and more!

Our Mission and Goals

Our Mission is to strengthen the perinatal mental health support system for families in Central Vermont in collaboration with families and professionals.

Our Goals are to:

1. Promote public awareness about PMADs

2. Improve the professional knowledge base and practice among local service
providers as it relates to perinatal mental health, including:

a. Fostering patient education
b. Increasing awareness of all risk factors
c. Recognizing signs and symptoms
d. Implementing best practices for treatment

3. Facilitate greater coordination among professionals exposed to families in the
perinatal period to improve screening, diagnosis, and treatment for PMADs.

4. Broaden the range of perinatal mental health resources and supports available to
local families and ensure wide access to these resources.

Interested in joining our coalition? Email info@goodbeginningscentralvt.org to learn more